What are the benefits to outsourcing your marketing?

There are so many advantages to outsourcing all, or some of company’s marketing functions, but these are rarely understood until they are simply clarified either on paper or face to face.
Provided your agency operates as an extension of your in house team and your primary contact is constant, these benefits can be extensive. I am therefore going to identify some of the main points below, but there are many more and the rewards will continue to develop as the relationship grows.
One of the initial barriers to people questioning the outsourcing of their marketing activities is the perceived cost. It is always seen as a cost and not necessarily a cost saving, until the many advantages are spelled out. The cost savings are the first and most critical benefit to outsourced marketing as it ultimately results in reduced overheads.
Outsourced marketing is a cost effective time resource. It can be adjusted to accommodate increased project or seasonal fluctuations, without over resourcing on quieter periods, which can occur with an in-house team. A company pays only for the time used and for the resources required.
By outsourcing to an experienced marketing person, that can integrate smoothly into an organisation, you bring in new innovative ideas and added vigour. You can also ensure that you have the high levels of talent you need to expertly execute and reach the specific goals of your marketing campaign.
Resourcing from an expanded talent pool with a wider range of skill sets provides access into every area of marketing expertise. You can appoint an experienced specialist, or a team, that can be scaled and tailored to suit each of your individual projects.
It is always possible to become too involved and too close to your business, to be able to step back objectively. An outsourced marketing service can provide that all important outsiders viewpoint. This fresh, unbiased, outside assessment on your various media and marketing streams, can help to support the evaluation of your strategies from the customer’s perspective.
Most companies like to believe that they promote their staff’s creativity and innovation, but this is not always as it is perceived ‘on the shop floor’. An external marketer can bring new concepts to the table and develop them to move forward, without being held back by company culture and traditional ways. This is a huge advantage when breaking marketing away from the tired company norm.
Finally, but certainly not last, if a company has its own marketing department, a reliance on some outsourced marketing frees up in-house personnel for certain responsibilities. This allows them to focus and work well within their core marketing competencies, whilst areas not within their remit are outsourced.
As with all client / agency relationships, the outsourced services can only perform well with the support and information feed from the client. Look on your outsourced marketer as a team member, and your return on investment should speak for itself.
JoyStars thrives on building good client and supplier relationships alike. Check out our website www.joystars.co.uk to explore the areas of experience I could bring to your team.
If you would like to have an informal chat to see if outsourcing some or all of your marketing could work for you, please email Heather Joy on heather@joystars.co.uk or call on 01403 790146.