When you know you have got it right!

Are you looking to work more closely with the media? Well how do you achieve that and how do you know what they are looking for?
Well, I have received the most amazing testimonial from an influential press editor and within that kind recommendation were a number of key points that really told me that I have got it right!
So starting at the beginning, the email started with …
“Excuse the pun but Heather really is a joy to work with.”
Needless to say I am delighted. I love my job, being considerate, friendly, professional and helping out where I can, in a working environment where everyone is under pressure and strict deadlines, should not be something anyone needs to consider.
“Heather has been a huge help to me, actually the most press friendly PR/Comms/fixer I have worked with.”
Fantastic! The plus side is that my calls get taken, if I am told they are on deadline, I immediately leave them to it and call back once deadlines have passed. And, as a result I am respected for my professional attitude and understanding.
The email went on to say…
“She is a very effective PR operator, as not only does she have a great nose for an angle, but she is wonderfully persuasive, without appearing to be in the least bit pushy, which is a very rare skill indeed.”
I know through experience that I do not need to be pushy with a great story and if it is not quite what that particular media avenue is looking for, I ask how I can make it work for them.
“While always pushing her clients' interests, she always thinks what a particular media outlet will be able to do with a particular story.”
So, more often than not my client’s piece is then included as it is written to work specifically with the space, audience and requirements they each have.
But importantly for me, was the next sentence that confirmed that I ‘was not a nuisance’ in any way. We all have those pushy sales people that we try to avoid or limit contact with and his comments confirmed again that my way of working and attention to detail was welcomed.
“While editing a popular regional glossy magazine, I always look forward to Heather's pitches as she always gives a great deal of thought to each project. As well as being a good writer, she always goes that extra mile.”
And, nothing could have confirmed his belief in my work stronger than the next comment. This is for a very well respected regional publication, and I had a double page spread equating to around £1250 in value reserved for me to fill with ‘one of my clients’ stories of my choice for free.
“When we spoke last month you fired off a number of ideas but cannot remember whether any would work for June. I have taken a punt and marked up 'Heather has a story' next to a double page spread.”
The final sentence made my day, my week and my year! To have my skills recognized by a media professional that works with hundred’s of marketing and press people, it was a very privileged.an accolade to have.
“In short, Heather is up there with the best PR operators I have worked with.”